Verify the BGP MD5 Password

Use the efa fabric setting show command to verify that the MD5 password is configured on the fabric.

The password is not displayed in clear text because of security concerns. The password is displayed as a hidden string (*****) or as an encrypted string. The password is displayed as a hidden string if the fabric is not configured after the MD5 password is set. And if the fabric is configured after the password is set, then the show command displays the password as an encrypted string. This encrypted string matches the password string displayed on the SLX devices.

The same applies to the efa show-running-config command. Until the fabric is configured, the MD5 password is displayed as *****. After the fabric is configured, the encrypted string is displayed.

Run the efa fabric setting show --name <fabric-name> --advanced command.
efa fabric setting show --name fabric1 --advanced
| NAME                           | VALUE                       |
| Fabric Name                    | fabric1                     |
| Link IP Range                  |               |
| Loopback IP Range              |             |
| Loopback Port Number           | 1                           |
| VTEP Loopback Port Number      | 2                           |
| Spine ASN Block                | 64512-64768                 |
| SuperSpine ASN Block           | 64769                       |
| Leaf ASN Block                 | 65000-65534                 |
| Border Leaf ASN Block          | 66000-66100                 |
| P2P IP Type                    | numbered                    |
| Any cast MAC                   | 0201.0101.0101              |
| IPV6 Any cast MAC              | 0201.0101.0102              |
| MAC Aging Timeout              | 1800                        |
| MAC Aging Conversational       | 300                         |
| Timeout                        |                             |
| MAC Move Limit                 | 20                          |
| Duplicate MAC Timer            | 5                           |
| Duplicate MAC Timer MAX Count  | 3                           |
| BFD Enable                     | Yes                         |
| BFD Tx                         | 300                         |
| BFD Rx                         | 300                         |
| BFD Multiplier                 | 3                           |
| BGP MultiHop                   | 2                           |
| MaxPaths                       | 8                           |
| AllowAsIn                      | 0                           |
| MTU                            | 9216                        |
| IPMTU                          | 9100                        |
| MCT Link IP Range              |               |
| MCT PortChannel                | 64                          |
| LACP Timeout                   | long                        |
| Control Vlan                   | 4090                        |
| Control VE                     | 4090                        |
| Leaf PeerGroup | spine-group   |                             |
| Spine PeerGroup | leaf-group   |                             |
| SuperSpine PeerGroup           | spine-group                 |
| Configure Overlay Gateway      | Yes                         |
| VNI Auto Map                   | Yes                         |
| Backup Routing Enable          | No                          |
| Backup Routing IPv4 Range      |               |
| Backup Routing IPv6 Range      | fd40:4040:4040:1::/120      |
| Optimized Replication Enable   | No                          |
| MDT Group IPv4 Range           |                 |
| Default MDT Group IPv4 address |                   |
| MD5 Password Enable            | Yes                         |
| MD5 Password                   | $9$GiXG/W7938rCj4lzgf14NQ== |